Wikifolio Brand name
wikifolio Financial Technologies AG Company |
Rating based on 0 reviews
Andreas KernCEO | N/AMinimum deposit |
2012Founded | 150~Number of strategies |
Vienna, AustriaHeadquarters | Management fee, Performance fee (5-30%)Commission type |
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Wikifolio review
Wikifolio is an innovative copy trading platform which allows anyone to become a portfolio manager. The startup was launched in Germany in 2012 and has recently offered its services to international customers. The copying doesn’t happen directly on the platform. The traders register with Wikifolio and create their trading portfolios (share trading ideas) if the portfolio gathers enough supporters, it gets listed on Stuttgart Stock Exchange as a wikifolio index. When it happens any investor can buy Wikifolios through their broker or bank trading account. Although this process is far from classic copy trading, on the bottom line it is still very similar: you invest money into a strategy of other trader or group of traders and the value of your wikifolio changes along with its performance. Detailed statistics on each wikifolio are available through the network’s website, which currently offers around 150 packages to invest in. On top of single trader strategies, there are wikifolios of institutional investors and wikifolios of wikifolios, which group several portfolios into one.
The social trading service makes profit on commissions. Investors pay an annual fee of 0.95% for each wikifolio they own plus a performance fee of up to 30% of the profit, charged every time a new performance watermark (the new high) is achieved.
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